Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center


Returns the availability of an operator (agent).

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description


numeric - ID code


The identifier of the agent.

When not set, all agents' data is returned.


numeric - ID code


The service type to query for activity.

Request format

curl "$accountID/data/rest/json/v1/getOperatorAvailability?auth=$authHash&ServiceTypeID=$ServiceTypeID"

Return values

Parameters are provided in alphabetic order. See Sample code for probable output.

Parameter Type Description
ChatName string The name of the customer, captured within the VisitName parameter or through Name in pre-chat survey.
ClientID numeric - ID code The client ID number.
CustomOperatorStatusID numeric - ID code An operator status ID that can be applied to an operator during chat assignment. The status must match the operator's capabilities in the system.
Data text - heading JSON array heading that precedes report data output.
Email string - legal email Email address of the message's sender, if available. Must contain @ character.
EmailName string A personal name for the operator in the From address of emails the operator sends.
LoginID numeric - ID code Operator's Bold360 login ID.
Name string(30) The name of the folder as defined in the system.
ServiceTypeID integer The channel that a Bold360 service is available for:
  • 1 - Chats
  • 3 - Emails
  • 5 - Tickets
  • 9 - SMS / text
  • 10 - Twitter
Status codes - set values "Success" when the call completes; "Error" when the call fails.
StatusType integer The client logged in status:
  • 0 - Logged out
  • 1 - Logged in as away
  • 2 - Logged in as available
Truncated Boolean Whether or not the above JSON array is the complete result set, or if the server limited the returned results. For these methods, it is unlikely the limit will be hit, but if it is either filter down the results set or contact us to try to find a way to get at the data you are looking for.
UserName string (max) The user name of the operator. It cannot be changed later and must be unique.

Sample code

"Status": "success",	
"Truncated": false,	
"Data": [	
	"LoginID": "445201225474815444",
	"UserName": "bot_447307238097849894",
	"ChatName": "Bot",
	"Name": "Bot",
	"Email": "",
	"EmailName": null,
	"ServiceTypeID": "445201225474815444",
	"StatusType": 0,
	"ClientID": null,
	"CustomOperatorStatusID": null